Technology has really taken off in the last several years. Every single day, new forms of technology emerge and slowly replace old ones that were not so user-friendly. The iPad continues this progress as the latest gadget.
Your battery won’t last long if you’re using the iPad a lot. Lowering the brightness of the screen can help keep your battery charge. You do not always need a very bright screen to use your iPad.
Buying apps can be like buying drugs, so budget accordingly. There are many, many helpful apps and it is easy to go overboard. Therefore, it is important to monitor your spending.
Server Address
The iPad can use VPN networks for accessing servers in a remote location. If you have a need to connect your iPad through a VPN connection, you need to enable the VPN feature available through Settings and Network. You will then be asked for a username and a server address. If the server address is not something you personally know, contact your network administrator.
You can view the apps running on your iPad. Many different iPad applications can continue processing information in the background and do not disturb the user. To see the things that your iPad is running, double click the Home button. You will see them in a bar located at the bottom. Click the home button once or do a downward one finger swipe to close the bar.
It’s simple to turn off notifications about joining Wi-Fi networks. Look for the option which gives you the choice of joining networks. By choosing that option, you will never again be bothered by the invitations.
Would you like to see more than 2 lines of text when previewing an email? Visit “settings” followed by “mail” and find the “preview” setting. Select the number of lines you’d like to see. You will now see more lines of the email while in the inbox.
On your email, you will notice that the default only allows for two visible lines. You may want to be able to see more content. To change this, navigate to the mail tab of the settings menu. After you go to “mail”, choose “contacts” and “calendar” in order to see additional lines of text before opening your messages.
The iPad doesn’t come with a paper manual so it will need to be downloaded if you want to read it. Apple, following a minimalist approach, don’t include a user manual with their iPad.
It is a pain when you get an email and your iPad chimes every time. You can shut off that feature. You can access your settings in the general area. Tap Sounds. You can shut off the new mail alert or reduce its level.
Search Engine
It is possible to change your search engine from Google. In the Settings menu, pick Safari, then Search Engine. You can now decide to use other search engines like Bing if you prefer.
Easily access running apps. Press home twice and the bar will appear. This trick will save you time, versus scrolling through separate screens to find what you are looking for.
You probably already use your iPad for music, but have you used it for podcasts? Podcasts are short radio programs that can last anywhere from a few minute to a few hours, and are available on pretty much every imaginable topic. If you crave something a little more stimulating during your morning commute, try a podcast. It is almost inevitable that you will find something that you like.
If you have music stored in the cloud on iTunes, you can listen to it on your iPad. You don’t even have to download all your songs again. Just select to enable something called “Home Sharing” on the iPad, as well as in iTunes. Once this option is enabled, your iTunes library will show up under the Shared section of the music app on your iPad. The next step is to enjoy your tunes!
Make sure that your notifications are managed. Whenever you have numerous apps, there are always notifications coming through, which can be very annoying. Just go to SETTINGS and then to NOTIFICATIONS to take control of this problem. Doing so lets you remove the less useful notifications from your home screen. That helps you when you want to get alerted from something important.
It is easy to use the iPad to take a screenshot. Simply press the home button at the same time as the sleep button. The screen will flash and you will hear a click. That tells you the photo has been snapped. You can find your screenshots in your photos, where they are automatically saved for future use.
You can’t do day-to-day swiping in the calendar app. The way to get from one date to the next is by using the bar located below the main calendar screen. This is quick and easy as today’s date is blue.
Are you aware that you do not need to use the keyboard on your iPad? After all, it’s fairly small and difficult to type on. If you find it difficult, you can simply purchase a Bluetooth enabled keyboard for your iPad. They will make typing much easier.
Do you find you often want to take screenshots on your iPad? It’s much more easier than you think. Just press and hold on Home and Sleep/Wake at the same time. You’ll see a flash, and there’s your screen shot. The shot is saved already, so that’s it!
Are you annoyed by the Wi-Fi network box popping up on your iPad? If you answered in the affirmative, there is something you can do. Access Settings > Wi-Fi and toggle off the feature for “Ask to Join” referring to networks. This doesn’t mean you can’t join networks anymore. You can; however, you are not going to get a million notifications.
There is so many choices in technology nowadays. When you purchase an iPad, you will need to continue learning everything it offers. The tips above are there to get you started, but there is so much more to learn.