Monthly Archives: July 2022

29 Jul

Understanding Customer Identity Verification Solutions

Customer identity verification (CIV) is a critical component of risk management. The first step in the customer identity verification process is to understand what it is and how it works. KYC stands for “Know Your Customer,” and refers to the due diligence that an organization must perform on its clients and customers to verify their identities. This might include things like requesting official documents from a client, running credit checks, or checking public records databases.

What is customer identity verification?

Identity verification is the process of confirming the identity of a person or entity. It is used to establish someone’s identity and ensure that the person or entity is who they say they are. Customer identity verification is often performed through the use of an identity verification software.

Benefits of customer identity verification

There are numerous benefits to implementing a customer identity verification solution. First, it helps you identify …

28 Jul

4 Customer Success Metrics That Matter

Customer success is a business imperative. As such, it’s important to not only measure the progress you’re making toward growing customer retention and satisfaction but also track your performance against industry benchmarks. This can be tricky because there’s no standard definition for what constitutes a “good” customer success metric. However, working at large enterprise companies that serve both small businesses as well as Fortune 500 clients with complex needs, these four metrics matter:

Customer health scores

Customer health scores are a new way to measure the overall health of your customer base that’s better than churn rate: they give you a clearer picture of whether or not your customers are happy with what they have and whether or not they plan on sticking around. They can also help predict when customers will leave and offer insight into what kind of interactions help keep them engaged.

Customer health scores can be …